Museum Of Stone-Cutting And Jewelers' Art  'Malachite Hall', 'Golg Store-room', Silver Room', 'Memories of the Future', 'Modern Stone-Cutting' are the exhibitions of stone works and jewelry.

Stone Museum (mineralogical museum) contains a private collection of V. A. Pelepenko that counts up to 2000 unique mineralogical samples from all around the world. The exposition also includes a collection of small plastic, produced in the Russian and Florentine mosaic styles. The The Kamennaya Lavka (Stone Shop) pavilion offers a variety of articles, made out of the Ural stones, as well as the mineralogical specimens.

Sverdlovsk Regional Local Lore Museum By the abundance and uniqueness of its collections, the museum can complete with the largest museums of the country. Its funds reckon up to more then 500 thousand stock-keeping units. The museums pride is the written sources collection: the hand-written and old-printed books, dated by XVI-XX centuries, personal libraries of V. N. Tatischev, D. N. Mamin-Sibirak, N. K. Chupin and others. The local lore scientific library adds up to a total of more then 100 thousand volumes.

Fine arts are presented with several collections of paintings, graphic and icons, including the icons of the old-believers Nevyanskaya School.

The archeological collection includes several monuments of the famous shigir culture. A large shigir idol, as the laboratory analysis showed, is one of the world museums collections. It is dated more then 6 thousand years.

Yekaterinburg Fine Arts Museum The center of the exposition is a famous Kaslinsky cast-iron pavilion, created by the project of the architect E. E. Baumgarten. The Russian painting section. It presents a vast and regularly updated collection of icons, which are mostly dated as XVI-XIX centuries and adds up to a total of nearly 700 pieces. Various icon-painting schools are presented, such the Moscow and Ural schools and various Russian provinces schools. The Ural applied and decorative arts section. This section presents various stone-cutting and jewelry pieces, a painted tray from Nizhniy Tagil and a Zlatoust steel engraving (several works are dated by the first half of the XIX century.

Yekaterinburg Historical Museum The museum was founded in June 1939 and open on June 4, 1940, as the Y. M. Sverdlovs house-museum. Its collection is based on the part of the Ural Revolution Museum funds and the biographical materials about Y. M. Sverdlov. Among other rare objects, you will see the original photographs, documents, personal belongins and books from the boundary of the XIX-XX centuries, old mintage coin and the artworks of such famous painters as E. Neizvestny, M. Brusilovsky, K. Gruenberg and others.Since 1995 the Ekaterinburg Historical Museum from other city museums is that this museum displays an exclusive wax figures exposition, including the figures of Peter I, Ekaterina I and Ekaterina II, the Ekaterinburg founders; the Ural manufactures Demidovs, Emperor Nikolay II and his family members.

The Ural Architecture And Industrial Technics History Museum The Ural Architecture-artistic Academy Museum is located in the Istoricheskiy Park. Usually, the most attractive part of the exhibition is the open-air one, featuring the ancient machines from the Ural mining factories; a monument to Peter I, made in XIX century; however, theres another interesting part inside. It is mostly about the exhibitions The Ural architecture and town-planning history and Ekaterinburg planning and building up history.

A.S. Popov Radio Museum The Radio Museum is located in that very house, where, back in 1880s, during his study in Ekaterinburg religious school, there lived the radio inventor Aleksandr Stepanovich Popov. In 1895, A. S. Popov had created a first version of a radio set and had demonstrated it on May, 7 (April 25, by the Old Style). This day is celebrated as the Radio Day in Russia.

The Urals Geological Museum of the V. V.Vahrushev The museum presents a vast and unique collection of everything that is connected with the Ural underground treasures and geology. Out of 800 minerals, found in the Urals, the museum present 600 kinds. Right away at the museums entrance, you will be amazed at a giant rock crystal the biggest and the most beautiful out of the ones, presented in the national and European museums; its weight is 784 kilograms and its height is 170centimeters.

The Urals Youth Museum Its a peculiar cultural-historical complex, whose authors and organizers aspire to comprehend the events of the Russian history of XX century in a modern and a non-standard way. Its main exposition Fact and image combines the historical reality and its images. A cultural program called The gold deposits of the Ural talents displays the creative work of both famous and amateur artists.

The Military-Historical Museum Of The Privolzhsko-Uralskiy RegionThe museum was founded in 1959. Its first expositions were located in the Regional Officers House, built in 1938-1941 by the project of an architect V. V. Emelyanov. An organic extension to the museum is an open-air military techniques exhibition in the yard of the Regional Officers House.

The Nevyanskaya Ikona museum is a small private museum, based on an icons collection. It has two rooms and has 250 icons (dated by XVI-XX centuries) in its funds. Besides that, the museum presents a Russian popular print collection of XIX century, metal plastic of the XIX century collection, as well as a small library of the old-printed and hand-written books of the XVII-XIX centuries.

The museum in the memory of the international soldiers Shuravi was opened in 1991 and has a free entrance for everybody, who cares about the tragedy of the soviet Afghan soldiers.

The united museum of the Urals writers. A complex of the museums-subsidiaries inn the city center create an original park, which had received the name A Literary block and which is quite nice to be walking around.

The house-museum of Mamin-Sibiryak. The famous writer bought this house thanks to his royalties from The Privalovs millions and The Rock Nest in 1885. The house contains a literary-memorial exposition D. N. Mamin-Sibiryaks life and creative work, the writers private office interior, as well as the interior of his mothers room was restored, using the remained personal things of Mamin-Sibiryak and his family.

P.P.Bazhovs house-museum. All of Baxhovs works, including The Malachite Box (1993) and Distant-close (1949), were written in this very house on the corner of Chapaeva St. and Bolshakova St.

The Ural literary life of XIX century museum offers various materials, concerned with the famous Russian literary mens residence at the Urals and an exposition, which goes into the fates and the creative work of the Ural writers of XIX century.

In F.M.Reshetnikovs museum you can watch a splendid exposition Thecity postmans house (XIX century mansion), which includes various household items, utensils, winter sledge and special carriages of Russian mailmen of the XIX century. In the coachmans room, you will be treated with tea and pancakes. The museum also holds different folklore programs.

           In the dolls and childrens literature museum the Wonderland there was a first apartment of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, where he settled on his arrival to Ekaterinburg. At the present time, here operates a scientific-educating branch of the museum. The museum also contains a show-room, where dolls exhibitions (Elena Lisinas private collection) from all around the world are held.
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