To the Shunut Stone's top and the spring Platonida


Shunut-Stone is one of the greatest mountain formation in the Middle Urals. Cliffy mountains stretch for 15 kilometers from the south to the north, the highest of the tops is 724 meters.Majestic Shunut's cliffs are wild and lonely. Persecuted Old Believers lived here in the 17 century.

There is a legend: a long time ago one young woman named Platonida left her native village Krasnoyar to live solitary in the wild forest. She lived near the forest spring in all her life. Many years Platonida kept fit. After her death people began to esteem the spring as miraculous. It is a bright, clear place, where reconciliation and quietness reign. The spring's water lend vigour and energy.


Duration: 4 days/3 nights

Recommended Equipment: Warm clothing, plates and dishes, trekking boots, sun glasses, UV cream, repellents for mosquitoes.

Recommended time of the tour: all the year round

Important:For participation in this travel you should have inoculation against encephalitis.

The cost includes: car(bus) transportation, instructors are ready to help you meal in time of the tour, according to program, equipment hire (repair set, paddles, tent, rucksack, sleeping bag, first-aid kit) insurance


Program of tour

1 day. Arrival in Yekaterinburg. Meeting, transfer to the hotel. Receiving equipment. Sightseeing tour around the city. Free time. Dinner.

2 day. Transfer to the starting place of the route- the village Krasnoyar (80 km to the west from the city). Lunch. 12 km hiking to the foot of the mountain.

3 day. Breakfast. The ascention to Shunut stoun. Lunch. Walk along Konovalovsk range. Dinner.

4 day. Platonida. Hiking to Krasnoyar. Transfer by bus to Yekaterinburg.



Guides, experienced instructors (masters of sports and master-candidates of sports, winners of Russian Championships) are ready to help you.



The tour cost is from 147 euros per person



Hosted by uCoz